Norma Sullivan, the receptionist from hell, first appeared at Holby A&E in series 6. Snooty and uncaring she seemed but yet there was more to Norma than met the eye. During series 7 Norma was preoccupied with caring for her mother, who had alzheimers. She would sit at her desk in reception, her mind elsewhere, when she should have been taking patients' details. When in the mood Norma spoke her mind when it might have been wise not to.
When Simon Eastman appeared in series 7 he introduced himself in that smarmy way of his saying, "If you have any problems, any help I can give you, anything at all, don't hesitate to ask, alright?" Norma replied, "Well you can stop talking to me as though I was five years old." In series 8 Norma was about to have a one-to-one chat with Charlie when Mark Calder interrupted and asked Norma to come back later. Angered by this, Norma lashed out at Calder saying, "This department is being overrun by faceless men in suits." She went off in a paddy and this cost her her job.
Written by Christopher Watson