Sean tells Tina he loves her, but she reminds him it's Max's first day back at work after Frank's death. Sean is impatient for her to tell Max about them.
Amber Hope has brought her dog into A&E. He has been bitten by a snake and is very ill. Barney is concerned for it and wants to treat it; Patrick tries to tell Amber to take it to a vet but she says there was no time.
Tina goes up to see Max in his office. He says he's sorry for pushing her away when he needed her, but says he didn't want to burden her. He says Frank's death has given him time to stop and think. He says he's missed the boat so because he didn't realise it was leaving, but he doesn't want to miss this one. He asks Tina to marry him; he says they'll talk about it over dinner tonight. She tells him about the dog downstairs. Max goes down to see and agrees to treat it as it is urgent; they phone a vet to find out about dosage then administer antivenin. Patrick isn't happy about it. The dog recovers and they say they'll leave it in the staff room for tonight. Amber says she has to go to work - she says she's a performing artiste.
Joey Baxter picks up Georgia Chapman from school. She wants them to run away together; he isn't so sure but she says she'll run away on her own if he won't come with her. He drops her off at home - he works for her father Harry. She and her father are about to eat when she suddenly gets pains in her abdomen. Harry takes her to A&E. They do some tests and discover that Georgia is pregnant; she says she knows but she hasn't told anyone. She is taken up for a scan but the baby is OK. Max speaks to her father but doesn't tell him that she's pregnant. Harry goes in to see her and she eventually tells him she's pregnant. He's angry and wants to know who the father is; Georgia won't tell him. Her mobile phone rings; it's Joey. Harry realises that Joey's the father. Georgia says she loves him. Harry phones Joey to find out where he is; he tells him to stay there, and phones some of his other men. They go and pick up Joey. The next time we see him they are dumping him in the road outside A&E, badly beaten up. He is taken into resusc. When Georgia finds out that Harry had Joey beaten up, she's angry with him, and tells him to get away as he disgusts her. Later, when Joey is in a cubicle, Harry goes to see him. He tells Joey that Georgia is pregnant. Joey says he loves her and says he's sorry. Harry asks if he loves her enough to be a father and to provide for the baby, saying it'll get worse if he messes Georgia about. Joey says he's not ready to be a father. Harry phones Georgia's mobile and makes Joey speak to her and tell her this. Harry goes back to see Georgia; she's crying. She asks what she's going to do;
he says she'll have the baby and they'll work something out.
When Patrick is in the staff room, he goes to stroke Amber's dog. The dog licks him. Barney comes in and sees him.
Katie Stoppard is picked up from school by her parents Paul and Melinda. She is wearing a special suit to protect her skin from the light. When they get home, her parents tell Katie to go in first so they can talk. Melinda has told Katie she can go to a Camp in America, but Paul doesn't want her to go, as he is worried about her. They go inside, and carry on arguing; Melinda thinks Paul is being too protective of Katie. He says everything seems to be his responsibility these days as she doesn't care any more. She argues back; Paul says he can't stand any more. Katie is playing on a swing in the garden when she sees her dad drive off in his car. She runs after him, but he doesn't see her. Katie is running down the road. A car hits her. The driver calls an ambulance. She is taken to A&E and they shine lights in her face despite her objections. They are about to cut off her suit when she tells them not to, saying she has EPP. Max immediately tells everyone to turn off as many lights as possible. He says EPP is a skin condition which makes the skin extremely sensitive to light, but he doesn't know much about it as it's very rare. Katie says she knows what they should do, and Max tells her to boss them around. Paul and Melinda arrive at the hospital; Paul is angry because he knows that she has been burned by the lights in the hospital. Melinda says that Katie really wants to go to America; Paul suggests that they all go. He tells her that he's been made redundant, but will be paid a lot of redundancy money. They go and tell Katie; she tells her dad she loves him.
DCI Gregory comes to see Max; he tells him they've caught Frank's killers. Max asks what sort of sentence they'll get but Gregory says that no one saw them kill Frank - Angie only saw them threaten him. He says it depends what the jury think.
Amber Hope is brought into A&E, having been bitten by her snake. They need to give her antivenin but they used up their supply earlier on her dog - Patrick is frustrated. They have to have some sent from Broadway General. Eventually it arrives, just in time.
As Patrick is leaving, Amber's dog is whimpering. Patrick goes up to it and picks it up, saying, "Tell anyone about this and you're dead. This is for one night only." He puts it inside his coat and takes it home with him.
Max is upset about the fact that they used up the drug on Amber's dog and left her in danger. Tina comforts him, saying it's not his fault. Max, crying, tells her that they've caught Frank's murderers. Tina says, "Let's go home." Sean watches them leave together.