Things are awkward between Lara and Luke after she spent the night at his place. Lara can't remember what happened but eventually Luke tells her she crashed out and he slept on the sofa. Lara says they should forget the whole thing; Luke says there's nothing to forget.
Vinnay is threatening to hurt Nikki; Jack tells him he'll give him the money on Monday. But Vinnay turns up at the hospital and Nikki innocently tells him that they're getting married on Sunday and jetting off to Australia on the Monday.
Josh and Simon clash at the scene of an accident, where a young boy is critically ill. When the boy dies, Josh suggests to the boy's childminder that he may not have died if Simon had acted differently, and spotted the head injury earlier. The boys' parents soon hear about this and go to Harry, threatening legal action. Simon tells Josh that if he goes down, he's dragging Josh down with him.
Episode first broadcast Saturday 15th June 2003
Additional Cast
Vinnay Ramdas
Paul Sharma Frankie Johnson
Pete Dunwell Slim Jim
Steve Garti Fiona Laing
Liza Sadovoy Patrick Laing
Gwynn Beech David Laing
Nicholas Grand Ruth
Harriet Thorpe Peter
Robert Hines Magda Stanczyk
Agnieszka Liggett Michael Meakin
Kirris Riviere